Naomi Witters Massage Therapist

Naomi Witters is a 2003 graduate of the Center for Natural Wellness School of Massage Therapy. She holds a NY State License for Massage Therapy. She offers Massage Service as well as Health and Wellness.
Project Year: 2018
Status: Current
The process:
When Naomi first approached me to build her website she said she wanted only one page – total simplicity. As the website progressed, pages were added as her vision evolved. I added a massage page, a services page, a client forms page and a gift card page. The gift cards were Naomi’s idea and turned out to be quite popular – especially during the height of the pandemic. Naomi supplied me with most of the images which, as always, I resized and enhanced using photoshop. The completed project is still a fairly simple one – even with the added pages. Another job done well.
Saratoga Springs
New York
(518) 290-1972